If you see marine collagen biopeptides more and more frequently on boxes of food supplements aimed at supporting aging, it is because their effectiveness is much greater than that of classic collagen proteins.
A real boon for your skin cells, bio peptides are much more adapted to your digestive system for the simple reason that it processes them more easily.
Why such a difference between classic collagen and organic peptide collagen? How do we obtain collagen biopeptides from a collagen macro-protein? How to choose among all the nutricosmetics offering organic collagen peptides?
The MyPuresSkin team helps you see things more clearly.

If the ethical and health comfort offered by marine collagen is no longer to be demonstrated, as we explain in our article comparing it to bovine and porcine collagen , one question remains unanswered: why did the MyPUREskin team Did she choose organic peptide collagen?
What are “bio peptides”?
Collagen is a protein. It is therefore a molecule which is made up of basic units called “amino acids”. However, this molecule has some particularities, one of which is particularly important for the consumer: its size.
In fact, collagen is said to be a “macromolecule”.
This characteristic is a real drag on your digestive system in the sense that it has more difficulty “breaking down” the collagen protein into amino acids.
It is to address this problem that certain engineers have taken advantage of the effects of hydrolysis.
A process consisting of reducing the size of the macroprotein collagen, hydrolysis occurs as an intermediate step in digestion.
It is in fact a matter of “predigesting” the collagen, as it were, by breaking down the macroprotein into smaller assemblies of amino acids: peptides.
Smaller in size, peptides break down into amino acids providing better results than when digesting a collagen macroprotein.
It is through studies such as those carried out by the team of researcher Arely Léon-Lopez ¹ that the indisputable advantage of collagen peptides becomes apparent. Indeed, this highlights a colossal reduction in the molecular weight of collagen after hydrolysis: from 300 kDA (“kilo dalton”: unit of measurement of molecular weight), collagen increases to 3 kDA.
This reduction by a factor of 100 actually results in fewer losses. In other words: the number of amino acids that we obtain from the digestion of marine collagen peptides is greater than that which we obtain from classic collagen.
Your body has more amino acids, you can take peptides to support your body in its production of collagen in a much better way.
This better assimilation of peptides has a name: they are said to be more “bioavailable” than non-hydrolyzed collagen.
Bio activity of marine collagen peptides
However, what makes marine collagen biopeptides so interesting in the context of designing a food supplement intended to support your aging is their biological activity.
Indeed, bio peptides are “bioactive” peptides. This bio activity results in physiological effects which allow the nutricosmetics which contain them to offer beauty benefits unknown to the general public.
We discover in particular in the study by Léon-Lopez that the nature of the bioactivity of hydrolyzed collagen is varied since the peptides have, in parallel with better bioavailability:
- Greater antioxidant properties;
- More powerful antimicrobial activity.
Indisputable expertise for more effective products
Designing food supplements based on marine collagen biopeptides requires more advanced know-how and tools than those containing only non-hydrolyzed collagen.
This is often what explains the higher cost of nutricosmetics whose formula is based on such a choice.
The beauty benefits that consumers derive are, however, consistent with this approach: the results are generally quickly visible to the naked eye.
Finally, the most conscientious nutricosmetic brands tend to compose their products based on synergies offering other advantages.
MyCollagenLift: a nutricosmetic solution that makes sense
It is precisely with this in mind that the MyPureSkin brand fits in by giving birth to a food supplement designed to perfectly support your aging process: MyCollagenLift.
Nutricosmetics combining the effectiveness of ingredients of 100% natural origin, MyCollagenLift offers its consumers a range of beauty benefits based on specifications putting your skin in the spotlight by providing it with:
- A source of nutrition to help it maintain itself on a daily basis;
- Support to enable him to stimulate his collagen production despite the passing years;
- Aid aimed at supporting the protective mechanisms available to combat the factors of premature aging.
Indeed, the synergy of the MyCollagenLift formula is based on:
- Marine collagen peptides whose molecular weight allows them to be very bioavailable (i.e. easier to assimilate by your body);
- Hyaluronic acid to help you achieve a good level of hydration;
- Wheat oil ceramides to complete this hydration maintenance effort for your skin;
- Vitamin C from acerola fruit helping to protect your cells from oxidative stress;
- Vitamin E also acting as an antioxidant;
- Organic silicon used to structure your skin while increasing your defenses against the harmful effect of free electrons.
If it makes sense that the choice of a food supplement capable of supporting your skin in its aging process must contain marine collagen biopeptides, why not take advantage of the effectiveness of MyCollagenLift?
By starting a first 3-month treatment, your first results will be visible in 4 weeks!
- Study by researcher Arely Léon-Lopez: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6891674/