Aging is a programmed phenomenon.
Skin aging is an inevitable process caused by various factors:
- Intrinsic: genetic predisposition, hormonal and immune activity, cellular metabolism, etc.
- Extrinsic: stress, smoking, pollution, diet, lifestyle, etc.

But what can we do to limit this process?
We have developed a cutting-edge, highly synergistic and 100% natural complex, specially designed to fight against aging.
Thanks to its exclusive composition and by combining it with specific ingredients, MyPureSkin products stand out for their effectiveness and the results obtained.
The ingredients contained in our formulas
To ensure optimal quality and effectiveness, all the ingredients we have chosen have undergone rigorous clinical studies or are based on extensive research supporting our knowledge of their benefits.
A formula core essential to the skin
Marine Collagen Peptides
Hyaluronic acid
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Marine collagen peptides naturally stimulate skin cells to increase collagen synthesis and improve skin density, elasticity and hydration.
Hyaluronic acid targets dermal fibroblasts to naturally improve skin hydration, elasticity and suppleness. It also protects against collagen degradation due to natural aging. Combined with collagen, hyaluronic acid acts to maintain the structure of the skin.
Vitamin C, obtained from acerola, is a secondary antioxidant that plays an essential role in the synthesis of collagen in the body.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble secondary antioxidant nutrient capable of protecting cell membranes containing long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and proteins such as collagen from oxidation.

Specific assets from research
Organic silicon
Superoxide Dismutase
Wheat ceramides are the miracle ingredient for deeply hydrated and protected skin. Wheat ceramides are natural lipids that strengthen the skin barrier and prevent moisture loss. We use a patented extract supported by different clinical studies whose results are as follows:
- +21% skin hydration
- -18% wrinkles
- +26% elasticity
By strengthening your skin's structure, organic silicon helps prevent signs of aging and maintain firm, elastic skin. Thanks to its regenerating properties, organic silicon stimulates the production of collagen and elastin for smoother and brighter skin.
Below are the clinical results of studies carried out on the patented ingredient we use
- +37.6% hair growth
SOD is a powerful enzyme that helps protect your body from damage caused by free radicals. SOD helps neutralize these free radicals, which can help prevent cellular damage and improve overall health.
Coming from French research, we use a melon extract rich in SOD B, supported by several clinical studies for its health benefits.
- -36% on overall inflammation
- -13% overall fatigue
- -4cm waist and hip circumference
- -4kg average weight loss
Prebiotics (GOS) are essential for the proper functioning of our intestinal flora. They stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria and improve our overall health. GOS also helps bring balance to the skin and strengthen its natural protection by reducing cellular damage and activating skin renewal.
The GOS that we use have demonstrated their benefits on the skin via several clinical studies.
- -23% on wrinkles
- -16.8% skin inflammation after sun exposure
La lipase est une enzyme digestive essentielle qui décompose les graisses en acides gras utilisables par l’organisme. En favorisant l’élimination des graisses sous-cutanées, elle aide à réduire les dépôts lipidiques, améliorant ainsi la fermeté et la texture de la peau. Son action optimise également le métabolisme des lipides, soutenant une silhouette plus harmonieuse.

Vitamins and minerals essential for well-being
Biotin (Vitamin B8)
Zinc Gluconate
Vitamins B5, B6 and B12
Beta-Carotene (provitamin A)
Coenzyme Q10
Key vitamin for the beauty and health of your hair, skin and nails. This B vitamin promotes hair growth by stimulating the production of keratin in the hair and increases the growth rate of hair follicles, strengthens weak nails and also helps maintain healthy and glowing skin.
Zinc is an essential mineral that plays an important role in the health of your skin, hair and nails. It helps regulate sebum production, reduce inflammation and promote wound healing. In addition to its benefits for the skin, zinc can also strengthen the immune system and improve bone and muscle health.
The B group of vitamins increases blood flow to the scalp as well as nails, and nutrients to the hair follicles and nails. Thus improving the production of strong, shiny hair and strong, resilient nails.
Beta-carotene is a carotenoid which plays the role of provitamin A, that is to say a precursor of vitamin A. Beta carotene is a very good antioxidant: it captures free radicals to neutralize them, which prevents the cellular aging. Its antioxidant action also helps limit the skin's sensitivity to the sun. Combined with micronutrients, it has a protective effect on vision and also has beneficial properties on cognitive functions.
Coenzyme Q10 is the nutritional active ingredient for cells par excellence. Its role in cellular energy production as well as intracellular protection gives it the ability to give your cells and mitochondria unparalleled longevity. In addition, recent studies demonstrate its role in reducing wrinkles and maintaining healthy skin.

Plant extracts, titrated in active ingredients
Silymarin (milk thistle extract)
Rosmarinic Acid (rosemary extract)
Bioperine® (black pepper extract)
Grape polyphenols
Silymarin, extracted from milk thistle, is an active ingredient with numerous antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detox properties. But its most interesting action is its recently discovered ability to prevent the glycation of skin proteins such as collagen, and therefore to retain their properties and abilities to maintain the structure of the skin and cells.
Rosmarinic acid is undoubtedly one of the most exciting active ingredients of recent years. Its ultra-specific action in the deglycation of collagen molecules degraded with age allows you to reverse the classic effects of aging at the molecular level.
Bioperine® is a patented extract of piperine, the active agent in black pepper. Its unique active ingredient within your digestive system allows it to improve the bioavailability of the active ingredients present in MyCollagenRepair, and in particular that of Coenzyme Q10.
Grape OPCs, or polyphenols, are natural antioxidants. Grape OPCs are powerful flavonoids that protect the skin against free radicals and external aggressions. Thanks to their antioxidant action, grape OPCs help prevent signs of premature aging and improve skin elasticity.

Actifs végétaux protecteurs & régénérants
Extrait de thé vert
Polyphénols de raisin
Extrait de curcuma
Acide rosmarinique (extrait de romarin)
L'extrait de thé vert contient de la caféine, ainsi que des catéchines. Ces composés peuvent travailler ensemble pour augmenter la lipolyse en stimulant les récepteurs bêta adrénergiques. De plus, les catéchines du thé vert peuvent aider à réduire l'absorption des lipides dans l'intestin, contribuant ainsi à la gestion globale du poids.
Les OPC de raisin ou polyphénols, sont des antioxydants naturels. Les OPC de raisin sont des flavonoïdes puissants qui protègent la peau contre les radicaux libres et les agressions extérieures. Grâce à leur action antioxydante, les OPC de raisin aident à prévenir les signes de vieillissement prématuré et à améliorer l’élasticité de la peau.
Grâce à ses puissantes propriétés anti-inflammatoires et antioxydantes, l’extrait de curcuma aide à réduire l’accumulation des graisses sous la peau, favorisant ainsi une peau plus ferme et plus uniforme. Il soutient également la régénération cellulaire, aidant à protéger la peau contre le vieillissement prématuré et à améliorer son éclat naturel.
L’acide rosmarinique est sans doute l’un des actifs les plus excitants de ces dernières années. Son action ultra-spécifique dans la déglycation des molécules de collagène dégradées avec l’âge vous permet ainsi de renverser les effets classiques du vieillissement au niveau moléculaire.