Collagène, acide hyaluronique et vitamines : quels effets sur votre peau ? - MyPureSkin

Collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamins: what effects on your skin?

Particularly effective in reducing the external signs of aging, the essential trio composed of collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamins can be found in many nutricosmetics.
It is because these three active ingredients work together to smooth, firm and homogenize your skin that they are found in most of the most effective anti-aging food supplements.
MyPureSkin products are no exception, but should you really take our word for it?
Of course not and that is why our team opens the door to a more in-depth understanding of the mechanisms of this central trinity of our range.
“Science and Nature at the heart of our formulas”: discover how our maxim is systematically verified by understanding what makes our formula heart a valuable ally in supporting your skin aging!

Active ingredients with proven skin benefits

To understand the effects of the active ingredients in our core formula, we must look at what the scientific literature says about it.

Collagen: a key active ingredient for firming your skin

Created at the heart of your fibroblast cells, collagen is a macromolecule (i.e. a large molecule) whose omnipresence is necessary for the proper functioning of your body.
Your body's largest organ is no exception: it's one of the reasons why your skin wilts over the years.
The aging process actually leads to a slowdown in its production as soon as you pass your twenties. By lacking collagen, the ExtraCellular Matrix (ECM) which surrounds your skin cells causes your epidermis to lose one of its essential properties: firmness.
This is, among other things, what explains the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles gradually but more and more pronounced as you age.
Fortunately, a collagen intake made in the right way with a quality active ingredient helps reduce the external signs of aging.
This is what numerous studies highlight, such as that published in 2022 by researcher Hend Al-Atif (1).
As the scientist explains, the properties of collagen are such that topical or oral intake systematically contributes to the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles but also to a certain prevention of their appearance.

Not all collagens are equal: the importance of hydrolysis

However, Al-Atif's study does not assess under what conditions such supplementation is most effective. To find the best source of collagen, you must therefore delve into studies such as that of Kathrine Skov (2), published in 2019.
We learn that the absorption of collagen in hydrolyzed form (we then speak of “collagen peptides”) offers better results than the consumption of “non-fat” collagen.
To understand this, we just need to return to the circuit of ingested collagen.

Collagen digestion supplement

When you consume it orally, this macromolecule passes through your digestive system where it is broken into smaller units: collagen peptides. These are composed of amino acids, small molecules whose name can be found on the list of ingredients of certain food supplements (alanine, arginine or even lysine).
It is only once separated into amino acids (AA) that the collagen peptide can be useful to your body. Indeed, AAs are small enough to pass the intestinal wall and reach the blood circulation via the capillaries which run through it.
Certain cells (like the fibroblasts in your skin) are then responsible for capturing them to reassemble them: this is the biosynthesis of collagen.

Inefficiency of the digestion process: knowing how to choose a truly effective food supplement

Unfortunately, while the human body is an incredibly competent machine, it remains inefficient in many ways, particularly when it comes to the digestion process.
The “waste” caused during the breakdown of collagen into peptides can therefore be avoided by consuming a more “bioavailable” collagen, already “ready to use” in the form of peptides, as shown in Skov's study.
This is why most nutricosmetic brands using collagen now tend to compose formulas based on peptides.

Other health benefits: collagen is not only used to firm your skin

Additionally, collagen has a lot more to offer your skin than skin tightening. This is what we understand when reading the conclusions of studies such as that published in 2022 by Chongyang Li’s team (3).
Not only does this research add to the evidence for the increased effectiveness of peptides compared to non-hydrolyzed collagen, but it also highlights their photoprotective effect on the skin.
As exposure to the sun leads to premature aging, the use of collagen peptides would indeed act upstream, in order to prevent senescence.
Beyond just the skin, collagen has repeatedly been studied as a valuable ally in the fight against aging in a broader sense, in the sense that oral collagen supplementation offers, among other things:

  • A protective and promoting effect on joint health (when hydrolyzed) as shown by the research of Daniel Martinez-Puig and his team, whose conclusions were published very recently, in 2023 (4);
  • An improving effect on the digestion process (which tends to deteriorate with age), as shown by the results of a study published in 2022 by Mariette Abrahams' team (5).

Hyaluronic acid: an active ingredient to moisturize your skin

As essential as collagen, hyaluronic acid is used throughout the cosmetic industry. Injections, creams, food supplements... This active ingredient is also renowned for the clearly and quickly visible effects that it offers to the skin.

A moisturizing agent above all

A true “water reserve” for your skin, hyaluronic acid acts as an end-to-end ally in the chain of skin reactions.
Capable of carrying nearly 1000 times its mass in water, it allows it to constitute a stock which it delivers as the needs arise from each cellular process (in particular during the biosynthesis of collagen and its expulsion from the interior of the fibroblasts towards the ExtraCellular Matrix).
By binding to other molecules present in the ECM, it also actively plays a logistical role since it allows water to be moved from one place to another to cover the metabolic reactions punctuating the life of your skin .

Bulky or smaller: How to choose your hyaluronic acid?

As with collagen, commercially available hyaluronic acids vary greatly in their effectiveness. This is again explained by their molecular weight, a unit of measurement of the volume of these active ingredients, making it possible to determine to what extent a given hyaluronic acid will be able to easily pass the intestinal wall to reach the cells of your skin.
In this regard, brands such as MyPureSkin choose a premium ingredient to guarantee optimal effectiveness by focusing on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

Wider health benefits: hyaluronic acid and its use cases

Like collagen, the hyaluronic acid produced by your body gradually decreases in quantity over time. This is the purpose of food supplements such as MyCollagenLift, MyCollagenGlow or MyCollagenRepair: to compensate for this lack to keep skin hydrated for as long as possible and as effectively as possible.
But hyaluronic acid is not just that.
Research with recent conclusions, like those published in 2020 by Alexandro Barbosa de Souza and his collaborators (6), has highlighted that the formulation of a supplement based on hyaluronic acid could well increase the degree of absorption of the active ingredients it contains.
In other words: certain ingredients could have better bioavailability when consumed with certain hyaluronic acids. This opens the way to formulas with premium effectiveness, of the order of those that MyPureSkin seeks to deliver on a daily basis.

Collagen and hyaluronic acid duo: a central synergy

But it is truly by combining collagen and hyaluronic acid that it becomes possible to target visible effects in just a few weeks.
We owe this happy situation to a particular cascade of biochemical reactions, highlighted by the results of studies such as that published in 2017 by Haiyong Ao's team (7).
If the study mainly focuses on the synergistic effects of collagen and a particular hyaluronic acid (modified by adding a titanium coating), Haiyong highlights certain general properties of the collagen and hyaluronic acid combination.
Indeed, as an extension of Matsiko's research (which he mentions in the bibliography), he highlights that the supply of hyaluronic acid can improve cellular infiltration and promote chondrogenesis by mobilizing available collagen more effectively.
In other words: hyaluronic acid and collagen work together in many ways beyond building skin, such as building stronger joints.

Vitamins: the final touch of an efficient formula core

Alongside collagen and hyaluronic acid, the third major player in premium formulas such as those delivered by MyPureSkin is made up of a group of very diverse molecules: vitamins.
Their necessity can be explained in several respects and their properties meet the specifications.

Essential antioxidants

Recognized for its exceptional antioxidant properties, vitamin C is the essential ingredient in any good nutricosmetic.
OPCs (OligoProanthoCyanidines) are also, as polyphenols, excellent antioxidants.
Both are included for example in the composition of MyCollageLift, but also in combination with other vitamins such as those of group B or even E in the formulas of MyCollagenRepair and MyCollagenGlow.
However, MyPureSkin products go further since it is by combining the properties of various active ingredients, acting upstream and downstream of the oxidation process, that they effectively protect your skin.

Antioxidation, antiglycation and deglycation

Certain food supplements, like MyCollagenRepair for example, combine the antioxidant, antiglycant and deglycant properties of different active ingredients to offer comprehensive protection against free radicals.

An antioxidant umbrella

Finally, ideally, your choice should be a food supplement which enhances the effects of your antioxidants, like MyCollagenLift which completes the effectiveness of its vitamins thanks to a SOD-Zinc complex (SuperOxide Dismutase) whose presence allows you to create a complete antioxidant umbrella with the vitamins and polyphenols in its formula.

Synergies accompanying collagen and hyaluronic acid

This antioxidant umbrella is one of the best examples of synergy but going back to the heart of the formula, we see that the ingredients common to each nutricosmetic signed MyPureSkin are capable of working in close synergy.
Indeed, as shown in a study published in 2018 following the work of Nicholas N. DePhillipo and his team (8), vitamin C can accelerate the biosynthesis of collagen.
This can benefit not only the skin but also the bones and joints.

MyPureSkin: Science and Nature at the heart of our formulas

It is therefore not by chance that MyPureSkin has chosen at the heart of its formula a combination combining:

  • Collagen peptides with greater bioavailability than non-hydrolyzed collagen to replace and promote the biosynthesis of lost endogenous collagen;
  • Low molecular weight hylaruonic acid to support your collagen production processes while helping to deeply and continuously hydrate your skin;
  • Vitamins and other antioxidants whose protective effect allows you to optimize the lifespan of your collagen to keep a rejuvenated smile for longer.

It is therefore easy to understand where MyCollageLift, MyCollagenGlow and MyCollagenRepair derive their premium effectiveness: skin and cosmeceutical expertise combining knowledge of nature and scientific mastery.

Want to test our core formula to rejuvenate your skin?
Experience well-being by increasing your beauty routine in a natural and intelligent way thanks to one of the food supplements from our range.

  1. Study by Hend Al-Atif on the cosmetic “paradigm change” (revolution) represented by the intake of collagen in dietary supplementation in anti-aging strategies: /articles/PMC8824545/
  2. Kathrine Skov's research on increased bioavailability of collagen after hydrolysis:
  3. Exploration of the photoprotective effects of collagen peptides on senescent skin:
  4. Study of the protective and promoting effects of collagen peptides on joint health:
  5. Highlighting the digestive benefits of oral collagen peptide supplementation in healthy women aged 35 to 65 (pre-senior)
  6. Influence of hyaluronic acid on the behavior of the gastrointestinal system:
  7. Exploring the synergistic effects of certain types of collagen with a hyaluronic acid modified by titanium coating:
  8. Effects of vitamin C supplementation on collagen biosynthesis: